Leaders in wages and labor productivity in Kazakhstan - Atyrau and Mangistau regions
Atyrau and Mangistau regions remain leading regions in terms of average monthly wages and labor productivity in the republic since 2010. In 2020, the average monthly wage in Atyrau region amounted to KZT 367.6 thous., exceeding the average republican indicator by 72.91%. In addition to the high average monthly wage in the mining industry relative to the national average, wages in the region in the field of professional, scientific, and technical activities were also high in 2020 and amounted to 258.9% of the republican level. At the same time, in Atyrau region, salaries in the field of information and communication are only 65.1% relative to the national average.
The predominant share of the employed with higher and postgraduate education (75.1% of the employed population in the region compared to the national average of 42.6%) in 2020 is registered in Almaty. At the same time, average monthly wages exceeded the national average by only 16.7% last year. Labor productivity in the city of republican significance remains above the republican average, but the dynamics of the excess of the region over the republican level since 2013 illustrates the downward trend.
Analytical data was published in the Labor Market Review of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the labor market portal) posted on the corporate website of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (DBK).
As part of continuing work on the development of the system for identifying promising industries and product niches, employees of the Strategy and Big Data Department of DBK developed a new analytical platform “Labor Market Review of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter - the labor market platform) based on MS Power BI.
The purpose of the labor market platform is to provide a wide range of people, including the business community, with an accessible and convenient tool for analysis of statistical information on the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The tool allows potential investors to consider the availability and value of labor resources, as well as specialization by region, when preparing investment projects for implementation.
The Labor Market Analytical Platform is based on data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The labor market portal provides information for the period from 2010 to the last available reporting quarter.
- analysis of the main labor market indicators (labor force, employment, unemployment, structure of the employed population by age group and education status, etc.) at the country level and in terms of each region, both for reporting years, quarters of the selected year and in dynamics since 2010;
- detailed analysis of the average wages and labor productivity of the country's regions in terms of economic activities, both for reporting years, quarters of the selected year and in dynamics since 2010.
In general, it should be noted that this analytical platform is highly flexible in terms of carrying out end-to-end analysis of statistical information on the main labor market indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its regions, as well as, automatic uploading and structuring of data into the portal from an official source.
The analytical platform is available in three languages on the official website of Development Bank.
Kazakh: https://www.kdb.kz/kz/analytics/analytical-portal-of-the-labor-market-of-the-RK/
Russian: https://www.kdb.kz/analytics/analytical-portal-of-the-labor-market-of-the-RK/
English: https://www.kdb.kz/en/analytics/analytical-portal-of-the-labor-market-of-the-RK/