
Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC provides equal opportunities to applicants for vacant positions.

The Bank supports people with disabilities and guarantees the provision of necessary conditions for comfortable work.

Тhe process of selection and consideration of candidates for any vacant positions is transparent. The selection is based on the qualification requirements without any restrictions for participation.

We will contact you if your education and/or experience meets the requirements of the vacant position.

Candidate Requirements:

  1. Education: higher education in economics/finance;
  2. Desired Professional Experience: At least 3 years of experience in credit risk management, provision formation, investment project analysis, financial analysis of enterprises, and/or business/company valuation.

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Identifying and assessing credit risks and validating the calculation of internal credit ratings, checking for signs of grouping corporate counterparties in accordance with the Bank's internal regulations within the framework of:
    • Indicative consideration of credit applications;
    • Conducting banking expertise;
    • Changing financing conditions for credit instruments;
    • Considering the recognition of a credit instrument;
    • Assigning rights to third parties, applying rehabilitation procedures, and restructuring loans while working with the Bank's distressed and problem assets;
    • Conducting comprehensive field monitoring.
  2. Ensuring:
    • Accurate calculation and monitoring of limits for groups of counterparties, industry limits, including those related to leasing transactions with AO "Fund for the Development of Industry";
    • Timely notification of breaches of limits for groups of counterparties, industry limits, and development of corresponding recommendations;
  3. Assigning stages to the assigned credit portfolio:
    • Launching questionnaires in the BPM Simbase system;
    • Verifying the justification for determining/validating the existence of objective signs of impairment and/or increased credit risk for loans issued by the Bank (for corporate counterparties), excluding loans to subsidiaries;
  4. Ensuring accurate calculations for the assigned credit portfolio:
    • Level of provisions in the BPM Simbase system;
    • Probability of default (PD);
    • Loss given default;
    • Amount of discounted cash flows for impaired loans (for corporate counterparties), excluding loans to subsidiaries, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the Bank's internal regulations;
    • Forecasted level of provisions;
  5. Participating in the timely and regular preparation of reports on credit risks within the assigned credit portfolio and other reports for the Bank's structural divisions, management, authorized bodies, and the sole shareholder of the Bank in accordance with the Bank's internal regulations, maintaining databases on credit risks;
  6. Developing recommendations and agreements for the assigned credit portfolio:
    • Monitoring plan schedules, making changes to them;
    • Proposed individual indicators;
    • Updating the "Watch List" after being informed of covenant breaches and/or general/individual indicators;
    • Action plans to prevent an increase in provisions and/or deterioration of the risk profile of credit transactions for projects included in the "Watch List";
  7. Conducting stress tests of the assigned credit portfolio to assess the impact on the risk profile of borrowers/credit instruments (stages, provisions, ratings) considering potential hypothetical scenarios that could negatively affect the Bank's provisions.

Candidate Requirements:

  1. Education: Higher education in economics and finance;
  2. Preferred Qualifications:
    1. Skills in collecting, organizing, and analyzing incoming documentation and information.
    2. Proficient oral and written communication.
    3. Knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding banking activities;
  3. Desired Professional Experience: At least 1 year of work experience.

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Preparing responses to inquiries from shareholders, authorized bodies, and the Bank’s subsidiaries.
  2. Collecting and processing data for the Bank's internal services and external requests directed to the Client Relations Directorate.
  3. Preparing official documents as instructed by management within the tasks assigned to the Client Relations Directorate.
  4. Entering data and uploading project documents into the Bank’s information system.
  5. Sending letters to counterparties, including notifications of decisions made by the Bank’s management, requests for document submission, and other inquiries.
  6. Ensuring the transfer of departmental documents to the archive during the preliminary review and banking expertise stages of projects.

Candidate Requirements:

  1. Education: a higher education degree in finance/economics/mathematics/technical field with a specific specialization or degree (master's or second higher education);
  2. Preferred Qualifications: possession of international certificates (ACCA, CFA, CPA, etc.) is welcomed;
  3. Desired Professional Experience: at least 2 years in a professional field or areas corresponding to the functional directions of the position.

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Developing, agreeing upon, approving, and adjusting the Bank's development plan to achieve strategic indicators;
  2. Monitoring the implementation of the Bank's development plan to identify deviations and develop measures to prevent non-compliance;
  3. Reviewing and preparing information, relevant conclusions, and proposals for the Bank's management in response to correspondence from government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the "Baiterek" National Management Holding, and other organizations on issues within the Department's competence, as well as considering requests from the Bank's structural divisions;
  4. Preparing and presenting management reports and analytical materials on the Bank's activities to the authorized bodies in accordance with the list, requirements, and deadlines established by the authorized body within the Department's competence;
  5. Participating in the analysis of the Department's work, working groups on automation and changes in business processes, and implementing new business processes to develop possible options for improving the Department's processes and creating documents regulating the Department's work;
  6. Developing, approving, and controlling norms (limits) on general administrative expenses to comply with the shareholder's requirements for regulating certain administrative budget expenditures;
  7. Preparing proposals for the automation of the Bank's internal reporting in budgeting to optimize the workflow.

Candidate Requirements:

  1. Education: higher education in economics/finance;
  2. Preferred Qualifications: Mandatory possession of a DipIFR/ACCA certificate/active ACCA student/CPA/active CPA student; preferably a professional accountant certificate;
  3. Desired Professional Experience: At least 3 years in a professional field or areas corresponding to the functional directions of the position. At least 2 years in an organization related to economic activity (preferably in the financial sector, institutions, and/or public administration) with knowledge of IFRS; knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on banking and financial activities; advanced skills in MS Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), ABS, AIS "ESSP".

Job Responsibilities:

1) Maintaining the Bank's General Ledger, opening the operational day, and reconciling reports. Preparing daily balance sheets and currency position reports. Posting exchange rates on network resources;

- Preparing and presenting financial statements and regulatory reports within the deadlines established by regulatory acts, as well as information for management reporting, in accordance with the internal redistribution of reporting forms within the Department to ensure quality and timely preparation of reports, upon request from government authorities, shareholders, other external users (auditors, investors, rating agencies, etc.), the Board of Directors, management, and structural divisions, as well as conclusions and proposals for the Bank's management;
- Collecting and forming files according to their reporting forms and ensuring the preservation of the originals of the reporting forms for the assigned section before submission to the Bank's archive;

2) When preparing reporting forms, exercising general control over the accuracy of reflecting entries in the General Ledger by comparing the reporting indicators of the current and previous reporting periods, analyzing significant changes in reporting indicators. In case of detecting errors and inaccuracies in accounting and reporting, providing the Department Head with information about the occurrence of these errors and inaccuracies, as well as proposals for eliminating such errors;
3) Participating in the testing of ABS and other software products in the implementation of tasks for automating the Bank's reporting and presenting reports on testing results. Regular and timely identification and assessment of the Bank's risks related to the Department's direct activities and conveying relevant information about the most significant risks and proposals for their minimization to management, collective bodies of the Bank, and the risk management division when making decisions, as well as indicating them in the process of overall bank risk identification and performing other functions in accordance with the Bank's internal acts and the Department's management orders.


Services Provided:

  1. Conducts current budget planning and analysis of the Bank's financial activities in the short term to ensure the achievement of planned financial indicators, timely response, and reduction of the risk of exceeding capital investments and budget expenditure items through monitoring and analyzing the Bank's budget execution.
  2. Prepares proposals for the automation of the Bank's internal reporting on budgeting to optimize work processes.
  3. Manages the Bank's tariff policy to ensure the economic efficiency of all operations conducted by the Bank.
  4. Participates in the development, coordination, adjustment, and monitoring of the Bank's development plan and the action plan for its implementation.
  5. Forms monthly reports on the execution of the main indicators of the Bank's development plan.
  6. Develops predictive management reporting (including in Power BI format) to facilitate management decision-making for achieving the planned financial indicators.
  7. Processes the conclusions of the Holding regarding the Bank's budget planning issues included in the indicators of the Bank's development plan.
  8. Develops, approves, and monitors norms (limits) for general administrative expenses to comply with shareholder requirements for the regulation of certain budgetary administrative expenses.


  1. Higher education in economics/finance.
  2. Relevant experience of at least 2 years.

Requirements for the candidate:

1) Education: Higher economic education;

• skills in working with foreign trade contracts and documents;

• skills in working with SWIFT message formats;

3) Desired professional experience:

• In the professional sphere or in areas corresponding to the functional areas of the position - at least 6 years;

• In the type of economic activity corresponding to the profile of the organization (preferably the Financial sector, institutions and / or government bodies) - at least 3 years.;

4) level of proficiency in the state language: Average;

5) level of proficiency in foreign languages: English: Average;

6) personal characteristics: Lean management, Dedication to the cause, Focus on results, Innovativeness;

7) skills in using a personal computer: skills of ownership (advanced user) of MS Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), an electronic document management system;


Job responsibilities:

• Within the framework of investment projects financed by the Bank/at the expense of the Bank's borrowers' own funds, carries out examination and processing of contracts for the issue of a letter of credit/client application/letter of credit servicing agreement/coordination of the letter of credit draft with counterparty banks;

• Carries out technical issue of a letter of credit/making changes to a letter of credit (reflection in ABIS and issue via SWIFT);

• Carries out verification of documents on a letter of credit/procedure for processing discrepancies on a letter of credit;

• Carries out payment under a letter of credit and closes a letter of credit;

• Generates and provides reports/information on letters of credit and correspondent accounts;

• Checks the accrual and writes off risk fees for letters of credit;

• Conducts negotiations/correspondence with counterparty banks in order to agree on the terms of the letter of credit transaction;

• Develops internal regulations on documentary operations;

• Establishes correspondent relations with banks through RMA authorization in order to ensure the execution of transactions and operations of the Bank;

• Opens, maintains and closes correspondent nostro accounts in accordance with the decisions of the Bank's Investment Committee. Transfers money through correspondent accounts. Checks the correct application of commissions by banks on correspondent accounts and reflects them on the relevant balance sheet accounts. Reconciles with correspondent banks on accrued and paid remuneration on correspondent nostro accounts in order to properly reflect the Bank's income. Credits/transfers money through correspondent accounts.


1)      Search for potential borrowers, holding meetings/negotiations, consulting potential borrowers and assisting in preparing a package of documents for bank examination;

2)      Launching the project review process in the Bank's electronic document management system, interaction and coordination of work on the project between structural divisions, organizing working meetings with structural divisions, participating in structuring the project (except for credit analysis), submitting the issue for consideration by the authorized bodies of the Bank;

3)      Interaction with the applicant / borrower / guarantor / pledgor / consultants / insurance and audit companies/other organizations, as well as the financial and technical consultant providing services for monitoring and managing project costs, organizing scheduled comprehensive on-site monitoring of the project;

4)      Ensuring the project financing process for the timely execution of the Credit Funds Development Plan within the framework of the Bank Development Plan;

5)      Participation in the development and submission of proposals aimed at improving the forms and methods of the credit process, new credit instruments/investment lending programs, as well as proposals for projects at the stages of consideration, financing and monitoring of implementation;


Qualification requirements:

1) Higher education in economics and finance, preferably a master's degree in economics and finance and/or MBA;

2) At least 4 years of work experience in the professional field or in areas corresponding to the functional areas;

3) Skills in attracting clients and developing client relationships, skills in managing a project portfolio, skills in structuring transactions, skills in working with financial models and project calculations;

4) Knowledge in the field of lending and structuring transactions: conducting banking expertise, financing and monitoring investment projects and/or export operations;

5) Level of proficiency in the state language: fluent and conversational;

6) Level of proficiency in English: conversational;

7) Personal characteristics: ability to express thoughts correctly (orally, in writing), responsibility, analytical thinking, communication skills, leadership qualities.

Job responsibilities:

1. Development of a state investment project, financial and economic justification for a budget loan from the Bank as part of raising budget funds;

2. Development of a state investment project, financial and economic justification for the capitalization of the Bank;

3. Development of Bank financing programs for the purpose of implementing government programs;

4. Monitoring the portfolio and repaying remuneration and principal debt on the Bank’s raised budget funds;

5. Monitoring the achievement of direct and final indicators of financial and economic justification for the Bank’s budgetary funds;

6. Interaction with government agencies and Baiterek National Holding JSC on all requests regarding the Bank’s budget funds.

Requirements for a candidate:

1. Higher education in finance/economics/law;

2. Professional experience of at least 3 years;

3. Knowledge of Kazakh and English languages.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean manufacturing;

2. Dedication;

3. Result orientation;

4. Innovativeness.

Please send your resume 

Job responsibilities:

1. Carrying out credit analysis/structuring a project transaction at the stages of a business proposal, indicative analysis and banking examination, guided by the methodology for conducting credit analysis of projects and the regulations for the procedures for review, financing, monitoring and implementation of investment projects and export operations of the bank in order to carry out an independent analysis and provision recommendations on financing (or refusal to finance) projects for authorized bodies of the Bank;

2. Conducting comprehensive and current financial monitoring of the activities of the borrower, guarantors/counterparties for the Management Board of the Bank/ management of the Bank/ interested structural divisions;

3. Reconciliation with financial statements previously submitted by the counterparty for the Management Board of the Bank / management of the Bank / interested structural divisions;

4. Analyzing the counterparty’s request, analyzing the documents provided, conducting a credit analysis and, within the scope of one’s competence, preparing an appropriate conclusion;

5. Determination of objective indicators of impairment for credit instruments;

6. Preparation of a forecast assessment of the fair value of the loan portfolio and receivables that have not passed the SPPI test for the management of the Bank / interested structural divisions;

7. Participation in working groups for the development of draft internal acts of the Bank and other documents directly related to the activities and/or within the competence of the department, including the development and submission of proposals aimed at improving the forms and methods of credit work, new credit instruments/investment programs lending to optimize internal processes in order to improve the lending process in accordance with paragraphs. 5 clause 2 of the Law on the Development Bank of Kazakhstan.


1. Skills in working with MS Office software (Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook);

2. Skills in collecting, systematizing and analyzing information, financial modeling, conducting examinations, risk assessment, structuring transactions;

3. Skills in preparing analytical materials and presentations;

4. Knowledge of languages: Kazakh, English.

Qualification requirements:

1. Higher economic/financial education;

2. It is desirable to have ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CMA, CFA certificates, and an MBA diploma;

3. Work experience – from 3 years;

4. Knowledge of the basics of accounting, taxation, IFRS, analysis of financial and economic activities, project analysis;

5. Knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of banking, financial activities, civil legislation and internal regulations of the Bank.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean management;

2. Result orientation;

3. Dedication;

4. Innovativeness.

Please send your resume to:

Services provided:
1. Prepare monthly reports on maximum risk per borrower to the Holding;
2. Calculate the Bank's Business Risk and Interest Rate GAP as part of the CMS completion forms to the Holding on a quarterly basis;
3. Generate materials within the risk report in terms of market risks, country risk, concentration risk, quality of IP+IBL portfolio and utilization of limits on the Bank's financial counterparties on a quarterly basis;
4. Calculate the weighted average rating indicators for IP+IBL in order to monitor risk appetite (cons and non-cons), on a monthly basis, and stress testing as part of the Risk Report on a quarterly basis;
5. Calculate the LAC score and stress testing as part of monitoring risk appetite metrics on a quarterly basis;
6. Review and approve draft amendments to IRA (Regulations on Interaction with IDF, Statute on the Committees, etc.);
7. Monitor the financial performance of second tier banks as part of the monthly limit review;
8. Generate a report on the STB financial position on a quarterly basis;
9. Generate a borrowing limit report on a quarterly basis;
10. Generate in-depth analyses of counterparty countries on a monthly basis;
11. Calculate limits for STBs and countries;                                                                                             
12. Prepare materials for meetings of authorized bodies;
13. Provide risk opinions on counterparty and country limits;
14. Reporte on the utilization of STB and country limits on a weekly basis;
15. Prepare and process data to generate management reports on interest rate risk on a monthly basis;
16. Weekly monitoring of credit ratings of financial counterparties;
17. Develop proposals and recommendations as part of the performed function on risk management issues;
18. Develop proposals and recommendations for the processes improvement given the performed functionality;
19. Maintain records of the Department;
20. Other management assignments within the scope of the Department's functions.

Education requirements (level, profile, etc.):
University degree, work experience in the area of activity.
Services provided:
1. Oracle DBMS Administration;
2. Administration of the Exadata hardware and software system
3. Administration of system services to the extent necessary for Oracle DBMS functioning;
4. Archive and recover Oracle DBMS;
5. Create test instances and database dumps;
6. Participate in the implementation of new modules of information systems in terms of database maintenance;
7. Participate in the development of a data anonymization procedure;
8. Perform Oracle DBMS version upgrades on Exadata PAC, including DBMS and RAC cluster versions;
9. Extend the disc space of the Exadata hardware and software system.

Education requirements (level, profile, etc.):
University degree, work experience in the area of activity.

Format of participation in the competition for the vacant positions:

  1. Answer security questions/complete tasks for the vacant position (indicated in the text of the announcement);
  2. Submit a CV, answers to tests with a mandatory indication of the job title to Participation in the competition is impossible without the above documents. For additional questions, please call: 8 (7172) 792514
  3. In your Personal account you can view and respond to current vacant positions, as well as take tests and fill out a questionnaire.

Vacancies archive:

Vacancy description:

Job responsibilities:

1) control and implementation of organization and coordination of the Bank's credit administration activities;

2) control over proper execution of contracts within the framework of credit activities;

3) formation and implementation of effective policy in the field of public procurement that complies with the legislation and requirements of the Bank;

4) implementation of organization and coordination of the Bank's public procurement activities;

5) control over development of the annual procurement plan, budgeting and control over its fulfillment;

6) representation of the Bank's interests in legal entities (management bodies) in whose authorized capitals the Bank participates;

7) organization and coordination of work on implementation of measures stipulated by the Bank's internal acts within the supervised area;

8) organization and coordination of work on implementation of tasks set by the supervising member of the Management Board, bodies of the Bank;

9) participation in negotiations with representatives of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations on issues within the competence of structural units supervised by the Managing Director;

10) organization and coordination of work on preparation of information, relevant conclusions and proposals to the Bank's management, responses to requests of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NUH Baiterek JSC and other organizations on issues within the competence of structural units supervised by the Managing Director;

11) organization and coordination of work in preparation of information on execution of program documents, instructions and requests of state bodies, for which structural subdivisions supervised by the Managing Director are responsible executors (co-executors) to the authorized state bodies within the terms determined by the instructions;

12) identification and analysis of risks that fall within the scope of direct activity, as well as taking necessary measures to minimize them.


Requirements for a candidate:

- knowledge of corporate finance, trade finance, public procurement;

- knowledge of banking legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on state regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and financial organizations;

- skills in structuring transactions;

- knowledge of the theory of operational risk management;

- knowledge of the state language.


Personal qualities:

• Leadership

• Lean management

• Dedication

• Result orientation

• Innovativeness

Provided services:

1. Accrual of expenses under civil-law contracts;

2. Accounting for documents on reimbursement of expenses;

3. Payment under contracts;

4. Verification of primary documents, processing of reports in the VRM and accounting of transactions on business trips of employees, expenses of independent directors related to arrival at meetings of the Board of Directors and committees of the Board of Directors of the Bank;

5. Calculation and withholding of personal income tax, contributions and deductions;

6. Preparation of lists and transfer of contributions and deductions;

7. Preparation of a tax register for accounting of objects of taxation by individual income tax from income of individuals subject to taxation at the source of payment, as well as social tax and social payments;

8. Verification of the correctness of filling out acts of services rendered;

9. Control of accounts receivable and payable under civil-law contracts.



1. Higher education in accounting and audit/finance/economics;

2. Relevant work experience of at least 3 years.


1. Organization of work in terms of documentation support of the Bank. Registration of incoming correspondence, registration for control, control over the execution of instructions of the sole shareholder and government agencies, formation of incoming correspondence documents in folders/files.

2. Preparation of information on the execution of instructions of the sole shareholder and government agencies on a weekly basis, monthly formation of a report on the execution of instructions of the sole shareholder and government agencies.

3. Budgeting and maintaining the procurement process for translation, courier services, subscriptions, as well as scientific and technical processing of documents and files of the Bank.

4. Preparation and approval of corporate contracts, interaction with the supplier. Services for booking conference rooms, approval of acts of services rendered.

5. Conclusion of contracts with tenants of vacant spaces owned by the Bank.


1. Higher professional economic/legal/technical education.

2. Work experience of at least 3 years.

3. Skills in planning department activities, conducting negotiations.

4. Skills in oral and written interaction.

5. Skills in using MS Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point), ECM.

Requirements for the candidate:

1) Education: Higher education;

2) Preferred qualifications: knowledge of regulatory documents on the rules of documentation and documentation management in the Republic of Kazakhstan knowledge of the principles and methods of administration, organization of work of a modern office, ability to work with office equipment

3) Desired professional experience:

- Experience as an assistant to the manager for at least a year.;

- Experience in the direction of translations for at least a year.;

4) Level of proficiency in the state language: Average;

5) Level of proficiency in foreign languages: English, Kazakh, Russian

6) Personal characteristics: Leadership, Lean management, Dedication to the cause, Result orientation, Innovativeness;

7) Skills in using a personal computer: skills of systematization, accounting and maintenance of documentation using modern information technologies Experienced user of Windows, MS Office (Excel, Word, Power Point).


Services provided:

1. Providing information, reference and operational-organizational services to the manager.

2. Preparing official documents on behalf of the manager within the framework of the assigned tasks.

3. Ensuring the stable operation of the manager's organizational equipment.

4. Compliance with business ethics standards, maintaining appearance;

5. Conducting business/telephone negotiations.

6. Organizing and providing documentation and organizational-technical services for the manager's conference events.

7. Providing operational communications with third-party organizations and individuals on issues of current activities (telephone, fax, e-mail). 8. Receiving telephone calls, promptly informing the manager about telephone calls received in his (her) absence.

9. Ensuring the receipt, accounting, registration of incoming correspondence of documents received for consideration by the manager. Monitoring the quality of preparation, correctness of drafting, coordination, approval of documents submitted for signature to the manager.

10. Organization of business trips and meetings of the manager with representatives of other organizations.

11. Ability to work with large volumes of information. Timely processing of incoming information.

12. Translates documentation, materials, correspondence with government agencies, with foreign organizations, as well as materials from conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.

13. Performs oral and written, full and abridged translations within the established deadlines, while ensuring that the translations accurately correspond to the lexical, stylistic and semantic content of the originals, compliance with established requirements regarding the scientific and technical terms and definitions used.

14. Edits translations.


1) Technical examination of projects:

• jointly with other divisions of the Bank, participation in the review of investment projects, leasing transactions, including projects for which the Bank provides guarantees, sureties and other obligations proposed for financing on a repayable basis;

• providing opinions on the technical part and purchases for Projects at the stages of: indicative analysis, bank examination, monitoring, as well as when considering changes in the terms of financing in accordance with the internal acts of the Bank;

• identification and classification of risks for Projects, as well as development of recommendations for minimizing risks in the context of providing opinions on the technical part and purchases for Projects.

2) Support and monitoring of projects:

• analyzing the terms of agreements/contracts concluded by the Bank's borrowers with suppliers and contractors within the framework of the Projects being implemented at the investment stage in order to determine the level of technical and procurement risks for the Project;

• analyzing documents received as part of the elimination of suspensive conditions for investment projects and forming recommendations;

• participation in on-site inspections to familiarize with the location of the Project implementation and the progress of the Project implementation, conducted at the stage of consideration, bank examination, financing and monitoring of Projects in accordance with the internal acts of the Bank;

• conducting desk monitoring of investment projects at the investment phase, within the competence of the Department;

• preparation of information on early warning signals, the owner of which is determined to be the Department, in the manner established by the internal acts of the Bank.

3) Optimization of the Department's activities:

• optimization of the Department's activities, as well as development and improvement of regulatory and methodological documentation;

• participation in the development, coordination and approval within the competence of the Department of draft internal regulatory acts of the Bank;

• development and submission of proposals aimed at improving the forms and methods of credit work, new credit instruments/investment lending programs;

• submission of proposals and participation in the process of implementation of information technologies in the Bank on issues of automation of processes falling within the competence of the Department;

• development of recommendations for the establishment of general and/or individual early warning signals for investment projects in the manner established by the internal acts of the Bank;

• conducting by the Department an assessment of the compliance of its activities with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal acts of the Bank in the manner approved by the internal acts of the Bank, reflecting the results in the report on the work performed for the relevant period.

4) Support of the institution of external consultants of the Bank:

• carrying out work on accreditation of specialized organizations;

• introduction of a database of specialized organizations and/or ensuring interaction with specialized organizations that carry out external assessments of technical development and procurement for Projects and monitor and manage costs for Projects, in accordance with the Bank’s internal regulations.

5) Other:

• compliance with the proper regime for maintaining banking and commercial secrets, as well as confidential information of the Bank;

• participation in the process of drawing up and approving the budget of the Department and subsequent control over budget execution;

• other functions, in accordance with the internal acts of the Bank and execution of instructions of the Head of the Department, Managing Director, supervising Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and senior management with due quality and within the established timeframes.

6) regular and timely identification and assessment of the Bank's risks associated with the direct activities of the Department, dissemination of relevant information on the most significant risks and proposals for their minimization to the management, authorized bodies of the Bank and interested departments.

7) Participation in the development of the Bank's environmental policy:

• analysis of the Bank's current internal documents for further alignment with the standards of the new Environmental Code and for the development and implementation of an environmental management system/environmental policy or other internal documents in the Bank;

• preparation of proposals to improve requirements for Applicants/Borrowers in terms of compliance with environmental standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• preparation of responses to environmental inquiries within the framework of investment projects;

• collection, analysis and monitoring of information on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in projects financed by the Bank;

• preparation of analytical and reference information for the Bank's management on environmental regulation in Kazakhstan and abroad in the Bank's projects;

• preparation of analytical and reference information for the Bank's management and employees on existing and developing environmental technologies in the world and Kazakhstan;

• development of internal training materials on environmental regulation;

• training of Bank employees in environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consulting on environmental legislation;

8) Participation in the development of the Bank's policy on environmental, social and governance principles (ESG principles):

• study of management systems and ESG requirements used in international financial organizations;

• preparation of proposals for the implementation of ESG principles in the Bank's operating activities;

• participation in the development of documents on the Bank's ESG policy (strategy, assessment methods, monitoring methods);

• development of internal training materials on ESG and sustainable development for Bank employees.



1. Education: higher technical education;

2. Preferred certificates: PMP, QMS, IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment);

3. Desired professional experience: in the type of economic activity corresponding to the profile of the organization (preferably experience in manufacturing, engineering companies) - from 3 years;

4. Knowledge of Kazakh and English.

Job responsibilities:

1. Carrying out credit analysis/structuring a project transaction at the stages of a business proposal, indicative analysis and banking examination, guided by the methodology for conducting credit analysis of projects and the regulations for the procedures for review, financing, monitoring and implementation of investment projects and export operations of the bank in order to carry out an independent analysis and provision recommendations on financing (or refusal to finance) projects for authorized bodies of the Bank;

2. Conducting comprehensive and current financial monitoring of the activities of the borrower, guarantors/counterparties for the Management Board of the Bank/ management of the Bank/ interested structural divisions;

3. Reconciliation with financial statements previously submitted by the counterparty for the Management Board of the Bank / management of the Bank / interested structural divisions;

4. Analyzing the counterparty’s request, analyzing the documents provided, conducting a credit analysis and, within the scope of one’s competence, preparing an appropriate conclusion;

5. Determination of objective indicators of impairment for credit instruments;

6. Preparation of a forecast assessment of the fair value of the loan portfolio and receivables that have not passed the SPPI test for the management of the Bank / interested structural divisions;

7. Participation in working groups for the development of draft internal acts of the Bank and other documents directly related to the activities and/or within the competence of the department, including the development and submission of proposals aimed at improving the forms and methods of credit work, new credit instruments/investment programs lending to optimize internal processes in order to improve the lending process in accordance with paragraphs. 5 clause 2 of the Law on the Development Bank of Kazakhstan.


1. Skills in working with MS Office software (Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook);

2. Skills in collecting, systematizing and analyzing information, financial modeling, conducting examinations, risk assessment, structuring transactions;

3. Skills in preparing analytical materials and presentations;

4. Knowledge of languages: Kazakh, English.

Qualification requirements:

1. Higher economic/financial education;

2. It is desirable to have ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CMA, CFA certificates, and an MBA diploma;

3. Work experience – from 3 years;

4. Knowledge of the basics of accounting, taxation, IFRS, analysis of financial and economic activities, project analysis;

5. Knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of banking, financial activities, civil legislation and internal regulations of the Bank.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean management;

2. Result orientation;

3. Dedication;

4. Innovativeness.

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Job responsibilities:

1. Examination of loan applications at the stages of indicative analysis and banking expertise, guided by the methodology of credit analysis of projects and the rules of procedures for consideration, financing, monitoring and implementation of investment projects and export operations of the Bank in order to analyze and provide recommendations on financing (or refusal to finance) projects for the authorized bodies of the Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank's UO)/ management of the Bank/ interested structures;

2. Preparation of expert opinions within the framework of comprehensive, ongoing financial monitoring of the Bank's funded projects, consideration of requests from structural divisions and preparation of response memos, reconciliation of indicators of preliminary annual financial statements with indicators of annual financial statements confirmed by an independent auditor in order to identify significant deviations in the financial activities of the Borrower, Guarantors/Counterparties for the UO Bank;

3. Determination of objective signs of impairment on credit instruments for calculating the impairment loss on financial assets and contingent liabilities of the Bank's loan portfolio and the formation of reserves against them (based on a request from a structural unit) for the Bank's management/ interested structural units;

4. A set of information on the department for the formation of management reports, information, presentation and other materials for the director of the department/UO of the Bank/management of the Bank/ interested structural units; 

5. Preparation of analytical information for the Director of the Department/UO of the Bank/ the management of the Bank/ interested structural unit; 

6. Carrying out work aimed at automating the activities of the department and performing tasks within the framework of the Bank's lending activities;

7. Provision of other information to structural units in accordance with internal and external requests within the authority of the department; 

8. Performing tasks assigned by the Director of the Department for the development of drafts of internal acts of the Bank and other documents directly related to the activities and/or within the competence of the Department, aimed at improving the forms and methods of credit work, new credit instruments/investment lending programs to optimize internal processes in order to improve the credit process in accordance with clause 5 Paragraph 2 of the Law on the Development Bank of Kazakhstan.


1. Skills of working with MS Office software (Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook);

2. Skills in collecting, systematizing and analyzing information, financial modeling, conducting expertise, risk assessment, structuring transactions;

3. Skills in preparing analytical materials and presentations;

4. Knowledge of languages: Kazakh, English.

Qualification requirements:

1. Higher economic/financial education;

2. It is desirable to have ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CMA, CFA certificates;

3. Work experience – at least 2 years;

4. Knowledge of the basics of accounting, taxation, IFRS, analysis of financial and economic activities, project analysis;

5. Knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on banking, financial activities, civil legislation and internal acts of the Bank.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean management;

2. Result orientation;

3. Dedication to the cause;

4. Innovativeness.

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Job responsibilities:

1. Monitoring the actual profitability of the investment portfolio; analysis of the financial market of Kazakhstan and global financial markets; analysis of operating activities (costs, profits/losses, compliance with established limits, development of operating schemes); assessment of the effectiveness of incoming proposals from foreign partners for operations related to investment portfolio management.

2. Conducting negotiations and carrying out activities for concluding transactions in accordance with decisions on concluding a transaction made by an authorized body or an authorized person of the Bank in the manner prescribed by the internal acts of the Bank, general agreements on general conditions for conducting transactions in financial markets, concluded by the Bank with counterparties, in including:

  • transactions on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC on all instruments of the currency and stock markets included in the Exchange’s list;

  • transactions involving securities transactions, including repo transactions;

  • transactions for the purchase and sale of non-cash foreign currency;

  • transactions for the purchase and sale of securities;

  • interbank deposit transactions;

  • transactions with derivative financial instruments (swap and forward transactions).

3. Registration of primary documents (transaction passport, agreement, etc.) for transactions, transfer of primary documents to the back office for further processing, transfer of money and accounting, entering transaction parameters into the modules of the IBS "Colvir".


1. Skills in working with MS Office software (Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook);

2. Skills in planning and integration of several functions and processes, risk management skills, skills in collecting, systematizing and analyzing information, conducting examinations; 3. Skills in using programs related to treasury activities (Colvir, KASE terminal, BLOOMBERG, REUTERS);

4. Knowledge of languages: Kazakh, English.

Qualification requirements:

1. Availability of higher education – financial, economic;

2. Work experience of at least 3 years in the treasury sector;

3. Knowledge in the field of functioning of the Kazakh and international debt market, interbank deposit market, foreign exchange market, financial instruments used in work, legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including regulatory legal acts of the authorized body that regulates and supervises the financial market and financial organizations.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean management;

2. Result orientation;

3. Dedication;

4. Innovativeness.

Please send your resume to:

Job responsibilities:

1. Carrying out the functions of the back office of treasury operations for transactions with securities, REPO transactions (direct, reverse), transactions with derivative instruments in the manner established in the Regulations for the implementation of treasury operations of the Bank;

2. Keeping records and settlements for REPO and Reverse REPO transactions on the basis of transaction passports, exchange certificates;

3. Keeping records of derivative financial instruments (options on securities) based on orders received from the Treasury Department. Keeping records of loans provided to second-tier banks, accounting for investments in a foreign subsidiary, mortgage loans provided with installment payments;

4. Carrying out daily accounting of investment portfolio instruments, incl. calculations of indexation of indexed securities, verification of the correctness of indexation and recording in accounting, reflection of income and expenses on securities, reverse repo transactions, daily monitoring of schedules, settlement of payments;

5. Generating and uploading reports into the BI system using forms 080,163,165 (transactions on securities, investment income on securities, structure of the securities portfolio).

Requirements for a candidate:

1. Higher economic education;

2. It is desirable to have a certificate - Professional accountant;

3. Knowledge of banking legislation and regulations on accounting and taxation, civil law, IFRS;

4. Knowledge of the Kazakh language.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean management;

2. Result orientation;

3. Dedication;

4. Innovativeness.

Please send your resume to:

Job responsibilities:

1. Consultations with a potential borrower and assistance in preparing a package of documents for banking examination;

2. Launching the project review/restructuring process in the Bank’s electronic document management system, participation in interaction and coordination of project work between structural units, participation in organizing work meetings with structural units, participation in project structuring (except for credit analysis), preparation of materials for submitting the issue for consideration by the authorized bodies of the Bank;

3. Interaction with the applicant/borrower/guarantor/mortgagor/insurance and audit companies/external independent consultants/other organizations, as well as organization of planned comprehensive on-site monitoring of the project;

4. Participation in ensuring the project financing process for the purpose of timely execution of the Plan for the disbursement of loan funds within the framework of the Bank’s Development Plan;

5. Preparation of information, relevant conclusions and proposals to the management of the Bank, responses to requests from government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC National Management Holding Baiterek and other organizations on issues within the competence of the Directorate;

6. Participation in the development and submission of proposals aimed at improving the forms and methods of the lending process, new credit instruments/investment lending programs, as well as project proposals at the stages of consideration, financing and monitoring of implementation.

Requirements for a candidate:

1. Work experience in the professional field or in areas corresponding to the functional areas of the position for at least 3 years. In a type of economic activity corresponding to the profile of the organization (preferably in a group of companies of the Holding and/or second-tier banks and/or development institutions) for at least 2 years;

2. Higher education in economics and finance;

3. Preferably a master's degree in economics and finance and/or an MBA;

4. Knowledge in the field of lending and transaction structuring: in conducting banking expertise, financing and monitoring of investment projects and/or export operations;

5. Knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on banking issues;

6. Skills in structuring transactions, financial modeling;

7. Knowledge of languages: Kazakh, English;

8. Skills in preparing and conducting presentations;

9. Skills in collecting and analyzing information;

10. Developed communication skills, ability to negotiate.

Personal and business competencies:

1. Lean management;

2. Result orientation;

3. Dedication;

4. Innovativeness.

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Requirements for a candidate:

 • Education: Higher education in economics/finance;

• Desired professional experience: In the relevant profile organization type of economic activity (preferably financial (at least 1 year);

• Level of state language proficiency: Free;

• Level of knowledge of foreign languages:

   English: Intermediate

• Personal characteristics: Innovativeness, lean management, result-oriented, dedication;

• Knowledge of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Development Bank of Kazakhstan

• Knowledge of the law on banks and banking activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Knowledge of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulatory legal acts in areas of banking and financial


Job responsibilities:

• Systematization, analysis of incoming documentation, information;

• Implementation of the preparation of official documents on behalf of the management in within the framework of the tasks set by the Directorate for work with clients;

• Collection and processing of data for internal services of the Bank and external requests to Directorate for work with clients;

• Preparation of responses to requests from the shareholder / authorized bodies / Structural Subdivisions of the Bank;

• Entering data and uploading documents on the Project to the information system of the Bank;

• Ensuring the transfer to the archive of the subdivision's documents at the stages of preliminary review and bank examination of the Projects

Requirements for a candidate
In the relevant organizational profile: total experience of at least 8 years, in management positions - at least 3 years.

Educational requirements (level, profile, etc.):
Higher education in economics, finance or mathematics

Job responsibilities:
1) organizing and coordinating the Bank’s credit activities, implementing the Bank’s credit policy, forming the Bank’s loan portfolio, participating in the management of the Bank’s loan portfolio;
2) organizing and coordinating the process of banking examination, implementation, financing, and monitoring of projects;
3) representation of the Bank’s interests in legal entities (management bodies) in whose authorized capital the Bank participates;
4) organizing and coordinating work to implement measures provided for by the Bank’s internal regulations to ensure timely and complete fulfillment of obligations by borrowers and other persons in order to fulfill agreements on the provision of credit instruments (loans, guarantees, etc.);
5) organizing and coordinating work to implement measures provided for by the Bank’s internal regulations to ensure the formation of a high-quality loan portfolio of the Bank;
6) organizing and coordinating work to fulfill the tasks set by the supervising member of the Management Board and the Bank’s bodies;
7) participation in negotiations with representatives of government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations on issues within the competence of structural units supervised by the Managing Director;
8) organizing and coordinating the work on preparing information, relevant conclusions and proposals to the management of the Bank, responses to requests from government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baiterek National Holding JSC and other organizations on issues within the competence of structural divisions supervised by the Managing Director;
9) holding meetings and negotiations with applicants and other interested parties, on-site inspections at the stage of consideration, financing and implementation of Projects;
10) development of approaches and support for syndicated financing, co-financing with the participation of the Bank as one of the financing parties;
11) identification and analysis of risks that fall within the scope of direct activities, as well as taking the necessary measures to minimize them;

Skills required to perform duties:
• Leadership skills, decision-making in difficult situations;
• Management skills at the level of strategy development, planning and integration of several functions and processes;
• Business correspondence and negotiation skills;
• Risk management skills on supervised issues;
• Highly developed communication skills;
• Skills in work organization, personnel management, and their motivation.

Job responsibilities:
1. in order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the Bank’s activities, organizes the process of budget planning for expenses within the competence of the department;
2. coordinates the work on analyzing and monitoring the budgets of administrative expenses of the department, preparing proposals for their standardization and optimization within the competence of the department, reviewing and agreeing on internal documents on the issues of standardization of administrative expenses;
3. Organization of the formation of the consolidated List of procurement of goods, works and services of the department, drawing up of the consolidated request of the department to the project of the Bank Development Plan on the items of the department, ensuring harmonization, making adjustments, etc. monitoring and reporting
4. with a view to improving executive discipline, coordinates the organization of the Bank’s documentary support, in order to ensure the functioning of the unified system of records management and documentation of the Bank’s activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and current internal regulations.
5. Coordinating work, providing overall guidance and decision-making on all critical departmental issues and leading the implementation of the main departmental objectives and functions to ensure the efficient functioning of the department;
6. Submission of a proposal and draft decisions on matters within the competence of the Department to the relevant governing bodies of the Bank for consideration;
7. control over the timely implementation of activities for the procurement of goods, works and services necessary to ensure the activities of the department, in accordance with the procurement rules and the procurement plan for goods, works and services for
financial year within the competence of the department
8. control over the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes;
9. monitoring and control of document flow, paperwork of the Bank, as well as archival work of the Bank.

Requirements for a candidate:
In the professional field or in areas corresponding to functional areas for at least 5 years.
In the type of economic activity corresponding to the profile of the organization (preferably in the Bank, a group of companies of the Holding and/or government bodies) for at least 3 years.
Educational requirements (level, profile, etc.): higher professional (economic, legal or technical) for at least 3 years.
Personal qualities:
• Leadership
• Lean management
• Dedication
• Result orientation
• Innovativeness

Requirements for a candidate
- Experience in analytical work (at least three years);
- Experience in developing the architecture of digital databases (understanding of the structure and operating principles);
- Availability of completed projects for the implementation of information solutions/systems/products, with the possibility of their confirmation;
- Experience in writing technical documentation for the implementation of information solutions/systems/products.

Educational requirements (level, profile, etc.):
Higher education in the field of information technology.

Services provided:
1. Assessment of the current volume of processed data:
- Identification of the Customer’s information requirements;
- Analysis of the subject area, modeling of processes, data and objects of the subject area;
- Creation of a catalog of information data on quality level, formation centers, purposes of application, consumer requirements;
- Separation of data by the degree and possibility of their automation, frequency of updating and level of influence on corporate decision-making;
- Determination of internal regulations and methodological documents governing the processes of data flow and processing.

2. Assessment of the possibility of automation, support of current initiatives and processes of data receipt and processing:
- Formation of proposals (support) to improve the Bank’s current business processes in terms of the formation of digital databases of clean data;
- Support of initiatives implemented by the Bank’s analytical unit to automate processes, work with interested structural divisions of the Bank;
- Identification of bottlenecks that hinder the flow of clean data and their processing processes;
- Setting and monitoring tasks for regulating processes and updating regulations;
- Proposals for the introduction of information technologies that ensure automation of data acquisition and processing), data transfer to third parties;
- Development and execution of user, technical and operational documentation.

3. Implementation of information solutions for high-quality application of available data:
- Work together with interested structural divisions of the Bank: creation and structuring of a project data warehouse, expansion of CRM functionality, measures to eliminate manual data processing in Excel format, development and implementation of digital solutions (Data Science and other information solutions), transfer of data to third parties organizations, incl. design, development, support of information and analytical systems of the business intelligence class (Microsoft);
- Support and control of processes for filling the warehouse with high-quality digital data for the responsible structural divisions of the Bank;
- Support and control of processes for filling the warehouse with high-quality digital data for the responsible structural divisions of the Bank;
- Formation of proposals for automating processes to expand information data sources, ensuring the ability to process data from external data sources (Smart Bridge, specialized and industry data sources);
- Coordination of development, verification and testing of implemented software for compliance with stated requirements;
- Training and consultation of users (implemented, used in the Bank) of the information system, software product
- Creation and development of an analytical data model and implementation of Business intelligence, with elements of automation to expand the volume of processed digital data.

Skills required to perform duties:
- Experience with various database management systems, such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc.;
- Knowledge of database query languages such as SQL;
- Ability to design and optimize databases for various business needs;
- Skills in database modeling and creating database schemas;
- Ability to obtain valuable information from large volumes of data (Data mining) and optimize their processing;
- Analytical skills to identify business needs and translate them into database structures;
- Communication skills to interact with the development team and other stakeholders;
- Experience in designing and implementing data warehouses;
- Knowledge of discrete mathematics, probability theory, statistics is welcome;
- Ability to set priorities for the development, implementation and development of Data Science, Business intelligence, BI.

Vacancy description:

Job responsibilities:

1. Work with the media (organization of press events (press conferences, press tours, filming, interviews, etc.), coordination of articles, preparation of speaker interviews, etc.);

2. Preparation of PR materials (press releases, announcements, interviews, video scripts and other image materials) for publication in mass media and social networks;

3. Maintaining the Bank's social networks (drafting a content plan for social networks, preparing posts, photo and video design, etc.) and providing feedback on social networks;

4. Working with stakeholders (the Bank's clients), coordinating PR materials, receiving feedback;

5. Electronic distribution of the Bank's news to mass media and stakeholders;

6. Interaction with PR-service of Baiterek Holding and other organizations;

7. Editing the Bank's Annual Report;

8. Execution of annual media and content plans of the Service.

Requirements for a candidate:

Work experience: In the professional sphere or in the areas corresponding to the functional areas of the position for at least 2 years.

Education requirements (level, profile, etc.): Higher professional education in law, economics or technical field.

Services provided:

1. Preparation of responses to requests from authorized bodies/SD Bank.

2. Preparation of monthly/quarterly reports for the Customer Service department in the "Bank Reporting" database of the Bank's AIS IBM Notes.

3. Collection and processing of data for internal services of the Bank and external requests addressed to the CSD.

4. Preparation of official documents on behalf of management within the framework of the assigned tasks of the Customer Service department.

5. Ensuring the transfer of department documents to the archive at the stages of preliminary review and banking examination of Projects.

Requirements for a candidate:

Higher professional education.

knowledge of legislative and other regulatory acts on issues of banking, financial activities, civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Knowledge of the state language.

Proficiency in English is preferred.

Personal qualities and competencies: initiative, communication skills, analytics, organization, strategic thinking, leadership, ethics, quality orientation, customer orientation.

Requirements for the candidate:

Work experience:

At least 3 years.

Educational requirements (level, profile, etc.):

Higher professional education.

Services provided:

1. Collection and analysis of programming requirements.

2. Preparation of presentations and reports on the received data.

3. Coordination of requirements and subsequent monitoring of changes.

4. Preparation of project, profile and user documentation, development of design layouts for the user interface.

5. Ensuring that the interface meets current design standards, making it attractive/user-friendly for users.

6. Transfer of information and requirements to the software developer.

7. Negotiating with the customer and preparing presentations of the results of the work for him.

8. Participation in functional testing to identify deviations from the formulated business requirements and functional requirements and participation in testing the prototype of the system being developed.

Candidate Requirements:
Job Experience:
At least 6 months.
Educational requirements (level, profile, etc.):
Higher professional education.
Services provided:
1. Formation and maintenance of a system for identifying promising industries and product niches using machine learning algorithms for the purpose of rational use of financial resources and increasing added value from the Bank's activities in the country's economy.
2. Search, collection, integration, analysis, and visualization of macroeconomic, financial and other data from various sources in order to use them in decision-making by the Bank and its stakeholders.
3. Application of machine learning algorithms as part of the development of predictive analytics in terms of macroeconomic indicators and the Bank's performance indicators.
4. Carrying out intellectual analysis of big data in the field of macroeconomics to identify hidden and non-trivial patterns and trends for their further consideration in improving the Bank's activities.
5. Participation in the preparation of analytical studies and reports on behalf of the Chairman of the Management Board.
6. Continuous search and definition of new relevant strategic development directions and goals for the Bank.
7. Updating the content of the strategic dashboard.
Skills required to perform the duties of the job:
Python, Power BI, MS Office.

Job responsibilities:
1. Prepare an annual report as required by ARDFM under the TCFD, GRI standards;
2. Prepare sectoral sustainability reports;
3. Apply for Green Climate Fund accreditation;
4. Work on the development and implementation of ESMS (environmental, social
management system);
5. Improve criteria for assessing applicants for investment projects for
compliance with the sustainability principles;
6. Implement international standards and best practices in sustainable development,
control and monitor their implementation;
7. Prepare analytical reports/presentations on ESG issues, benchmarking analyses;
8. Benchmarking analyses of international standards and best practices in sustainable development,
control and monitor their implementation.

Education requirements (level, profile, etc.):
University degree, work experience in the area of activity.
Job responsibilities:
1. Conduct due diligence on external appraisal reports at all stages of project implementation in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Bank's internal regulations, including:
1-1. Participate in project appraisal, from the bank due diligence to foreclosure on pledged collateral, by analyzing the external review report of the proposed collateral to secure the borrowers' performance of their obligations (hereinafter - the Collateral);
1-2. Analyze the content of the Appraisal Report for compliance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on appraisal activities and other laws and regulations governing appraisal activities, appraisal standards binding on the appraisal entities, other standards of professional practice (international appraisal standards, standards of professional organizations, etc.), which were used by the Appraiser in the course of work;
1-3. Analyze the calculation part of the Appraisal Report in terms of the correctness of approaches, the correctness of selection and application of the Appraisal Methods, and analyze the design of Appraisal Reports with an examination of documents used by the Appraiser and establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the appraisal entity, including documents of title, identification and technical documents, as well as documents of technical inventory, printouts of the websites, copies of newspaper publications, special expertise reports and other documents on the appraisal entity (if available), as well as photos and/or videos;
1-4. Conduct a collateral adequacy calculation;
1-5. Identify and classify risks and make recommendations to minimize risks as part of the collateral opinions; 
1-6. Carry out visits for inspection of property offered as collateral of the Bank located in and outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 
1-7. Conduct an ongoing analysis of the market for collateral prices;
1-8. Periodic appraisal of the collateral value and adequacy, throughout the term of the Loan Instrument Agreement;
1-9. Develop and implement proposals to improve and enhance the efficiency of procedures and methods of the Appraisal Reports analysis provided by independent appraisers;
1-10. Verify compliance of insured events on collateral insured by borrowers with the list of insured events approved by the Bank's authorized body;
1-11. Develop and submit for approval to the Bank's authorized bodies recommendations for the selection of appraisal and insurance companies;
1-12. Interaction with inspection bodies - both internal and external. 
2. Fulfilment of the goals and objectives set for the Collateral Monitoring Department at all stages of project implementation in accordance with the procedures and methods defined by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Bank's internal regulations, including:
2-1. Perform on-site monitoring of collateral, monitoring the availability and condition of collateral accepted by the Bank in accordance with the monitoring schedule, with on-site visits to the location of collateral items located in and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan; 
2-2. Monitor the market value of the collateral and calculate/pre-calculate the adequacy of the collateral in case of changes in quantitative composition, quality, technical characteristics, also in case of changes in supply and demand for the collateral;
2-3. Prepare and submit the relevant reports, including supporting documents (absence/presence of tax debts, insurance, encumbrances, including third parties, technical inspection, photo/video shooting, etc.) on the results of collateral monitoring to the structural divisions concerned;
2-4. Monitor the quantitative and qualitative condition of pledged assets by means of an inventory in order to take preventive measures to ensure the safety and integrity of pledged assets;
2-5. Inform the Bank's management and authorized bodies of the need to safeguard pledged assets by taking preventive measures in the event of encroachment or threat of loss of the collateral by third parties or property owners.

Education requirements (level, profile, etc.):
University degree, work experience in the area of activity.


During the year, the Bank recruits young specialists for internships and traineeships.

Who can undertake an internship / traineeship?

  • Young professionals who already have a diploma of higher education;
  • Young professionals with experience in specialized areas;
  • Students of higher educational institutions.

Terms of internship / traineeship:

  1. The duration of the internship is up to six (6) months;
  2. Internship in the Bank is carried out free of charge;
  3. When choosing a place of internship, the specialization and wishes of the trainees are taken into account.

How to participate?

  • Fill out the questionnaire according to the QUESTIONNAIRE application and send it to the email address:, (put "Internship/traineeship" in the subject line);

  • For traineeship, you must provide a referral from the institution.

The selection process

Stage 1: Selection for compliance with the requirements and specifics of the unit is carried out by the Department of Human Resources Management;

Stage 2: Candidates who have passed the 1st stage are invited to an interview with the head of the structural unit;

Stage 3: Candidates who have been interviewed, collect the necessary documents and start an Internship.

What does the internship / traineeship bring?

  • The possibility of acquiring professional competencies, knowledge and skills in various areas of financial and banking activities;
  • The mentors are leading professionals in banking business;
  • Entering the external applicants pool of the Bank.

If you want to do an internship at the Development Bank and get useful professional skills and knowledge, apply now!